Published Dairy Resources

For the best collection of Presentations and Proceedings for the dairy industry please see the S-PAC Website. S-PAC is the most comprehensive animal production and management conference proceeding database in the world. This unique collection of conference proceedings and presentations is a must-have resource for animal scientists, veterinarians, academicians, consultants and members of industry around the world.

Dairy Proceedings

Dairy Science

S-PAC Website - S-PAC is the most comprehensive animal production and management conference proceeding database in the world. This unique collection of conference proceedings and presentations is a must-have resource for animal scientists, veterinarians, academicians, consultants and members of industry around the world.

Dairy Management

Large Dairy Management E-Book - The ADSA® Foundation released the third edition of Large Dairy Herd Management (e-book) available for purchase. This edition was developed to help meet the growing information needs of dairy farmers, service professionals, and students worldwide. It brings peer-reviewed dairy science and management information to users in an accessible, easy-to-use format. The book is available for purchase at student and professional (member and nonmember) rates exclusively from ADSA. This third edition is fully updated and includes numerous color figures, video, and separate metric and imperial versions.

Dairy and the Environment

ALEPH2020 Initiative - This was launched at the end of 2020 by an international and interdisciplinary consortium of >35 scientific experts. This website aims to give an overview of the controversies related to the production and consumption of Animal Source Foods, hoping to function as a reference for those in need of state-of-the-art and comprehensive information. As a 'dynamic white paper', it should at all times be considered as imperfect work in progress and not as a static database or as settled science. The aim of this initiative is to continuously feed the various pages with new information, which implies that some of the opinions and conclusions can change due to emerging evidence and new insights.